Thursday, September 03, 2009

Anneliese at the dentist

Well, Anneliese had to go to the dentist Monday. Because of her anxiety, we have to get her sedated for any treatment. Otherwise her shrieks and hysteria would be heard in Australia. Fortunately, the sedation they use leaves her memory free of the procedure. When I asked Dr. Emily how long we would be able to continue using sedation, she assured me that there is no age limit as she has high schoolers who still use it.

This particular trip was to get her front four top teeth pulled. The two adult teeth are starting to come in, and each of them is as large as the two teeth below. Anneliese just doesn't seem to lose her baby teeth on her own. Of the 8 teeth she has lost (including these) only two have fallen out on their own.

The size of these two new teeth is concerning. Her upper jaw is fairly "V" shaped due to Soto's, and I just don't see how a set of adult sized teeth will fit there. We are planning a consultation with an orthodontist due to the narrow jaw and high arched palate. Maybe she will require surgery down the road to reconstruct that area. Either way, we want to be prepared.

On to the cuteness! She looks like a tiny little vampire when she smiles, as you can just see her canines. Anneliese had started saying "yes" with a lisp a few weeks ago, instead of her usual "yep." She was adorable. Now, most of her "S" words lisp a little. I couldn't help but think that her theme song this year should be "All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth."

And don't worry about not seeing her toothless grin. She starts school the 8th, and picture day is the tenth. So, my little vampire will soon be immortalized.

Baby cat is growing....

Little Man had his 4th shots on Monday. He has just turned 4 months old, and weighed in at 6 pounds. 2 more pounds and he will weigh what Rosie does. Pictures to come...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Best Friends

Not sure if Rosalie is having a surge of motherly love for Little Man, or if she is just putting up with him, but they love to sleep together. Most of these were taken when he was about 9-10 weeks.

Then, at his 12 week shot appointment, he weighed in at 4 pounds, 14 ounces. Rosie is about 8 pounds. Considering the size of his paws, he will be a really big boy. Check it out!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cute, cute, cute!

Our kitties are getting along great these days! Rosie knocked the attitude out of Bowler the first couple of days he was out of quarantine. Then, she started washing him when he was attacking her. Soon, they were sleeping together and grooming each other. I think my poor Little Man left mama cat too soon. Rosie has taken over that job, so Bowler is in good paws!

This last one was taken one night when I was playing a game on the computer. Bowler saw the cursor, and proceeded to chase it all over the screen. This was taken right before he looked behind the monitor to see where the cursor went. Have I mentioned he is adorable?

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Kitten!

Well, a little over 2 weeks ago we (well I) acquired a kitten. I had stopped at the animal shelter to just take a look, not to get a kitten (you see where this is going, right?). Well, a certain little man told me he wanted to come home with me. I told him my husband didn't want another kitten so soon. He then pointed out that it was his last day at the shelter, because tomorrow was his euthanasia. (Our shelter can only keep kittens 10 days, due to overcrowding). So, I sent David home to get the cat carrier.

Our Little Man came home that day. Cute as a bug, and an even bigger pest. Total kitten pouncing, bouncing and silliness. Although the shelter said he was 7 weeks, I think he was younger, because his tail still stuck straight up like a chubby little stick. I got him to the vet the next day, and found out he had a upper respiratory infection and fleas, so he needed to be quarantined away from Rosalie for 2 weeks. Here he is the day he came home--you can see his watery little eyes. That's part of Sophia's hand you can see. Although the shelter said he was 7 weeks, I think he was younger, because his tail still stuck straight up like a chubby little stick.

So, he has pretty much doubled in size, and was released from his "prison" this week. Poor Rosie. She is totally baffled at the small alien torpedo that attacks from nowhere. Lord Bowler (named by David after a Brisco County Jr character) is a terror, and is still in his cozy hole (the bathroom) for 5 or 6 hours a day. Since he has a plush bed, a kitty condo, a million toys and his food, he has a nicer set up than Rosie.

He has doubled in size since I brought him home. A few pictures: Little Man in a strangely still moment; trying to attack the dragonfly on his scratching toy; a rare one of Little Man not trying to ride Rosie like a Bronco; Plus lovely Rosie.

And, thanks to Bowler's inherent cuteness, I do believe my husband has been won over, and will continue speaking to me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

She did it!!

I am just amazed. Today Anneliese finally made pee in the potty. First time. She is usually so stubborn. After her BM this morning, I refused to give her a new Pull-Up and made her stay bare bottom in the bathroom. Noticing a squirmy little girl after 3-4 minutes, I put her back on. And, voila! Hopefully this is the start of her transition to using the toilet and not a fluke.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Too darn cute!!

Rosie has been home for a couple days now, and her age is not quite a kitten, not yet a cat. All Dr O said was that she would be VERY surprised if Rosie was a year old yet.

Check her out. The first picture is Rosie getting love from Sophia, and the next one is Rosie playing chase the finger.

Lastly, here's my pretty kitty in her regal glory, like we didn't see her being silly 30 seconds before.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Writer Girl contest!

Another reason to check out WG's blog. She is having an awesome contest right now to win some photography DVDs. Click Here

Why are you still here? Get over there! ;-)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meet Rosie

Well, despite my good intentions in waiting 2-3 months before adopting a new furry friend, plans changed. I spoke to our vet, Dr. O, after Angel died, and she offered to keep a look out for a cat that might suit our family's needs. Today, she called and said that she thought a cat she rescued from Animal Control seemed perfect. Calm but friendly, 10 months old, good with everyone there. This cat was spayed and front declawed yesterday, and had no adoption fee. Dr. O felt that as she places her orphans with families she knows, it is enough that they go to a good home.

I can't begin to describe how happy that call made me. I have been so sad and lonely without Angel during the day, and late at night. No animal will ever replace Angel, but having another furry friend to get to know is a fun prospect. Despite the vet's certainty on this being a perfect cat, I didn't want to get my hopes up too much.

I went with Anneliese, Mom and Aunt Emily to check out both cats the vet mentioned. The 2nd was available also, but Dr. O didn't feel she was as good a fit. So, when we walked into the room, I saw a little black and white tuxedo girl with green eyes. Very calm. The tech brought her to me to hold, and she cuddled right in like she knew me already. When Anneliese went to pet her, all excited, kitty didn't balk at all. I stroked her more, doing the all body stroke--starting at the head, and down the back to the tip of her tail. Then I did just the tail again. She didn't seem to notice. Yay! One of the main requirements I had for a cat was no tail sensitivity, since Lee likes to stroke up the tail.

So, I decided we'd take her. She is lovely in temperament. Her name is going to be Rosie. I decided on that because it is different enough from our other cats' names that it should be easy to remember. Without further ado, meet the newest member of our family. Despite the blurry photo, you can still see her lovely green eyes and markings.

Welcome Rosie, to the squirreliest family in Michigan!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So sad--she's gone.

I am so incredibly sad tonight. Our wonderful cat, Angel, has died. Angel has been an integral part of our family since the day we adopted her, April 13, 2001. She was three years old. I never expected her to die so soon.

I will miss her so much. So will the girls. We used to say that Angel had no survival instinct--she loved both girls and was always there to be patted and adored. From the time each came home from as newborns, Angel was creeping into a lap next to the baby, cuddling right in. Anneliese was speech delayed, but by 10 months she meowed, sounding eerily like the cat whenever she saw her.

Angel was the stealth napper. Dave and I could be sitting in the living room talking, and one of us would look down: "hey, where'd this cat come from?" And she was shameless--she would lay on your lap, belly up, while you rubbed her belly. When she was really content, Angel would melt into your lap, looking like a kitty blanket.

I knew she was sick. Last month she had lost a pound--was down to 6 pounds. Never a big cat, she had become skin and bones. After a stay at the vet's office for dehydration and a liver test, all seemed well. A week later, she was up to 7 pounds again. For a little while, she seemed her old self. Cuddling with the kids, getting some belly rubbing and melt-a-cat time, playing. But that was all too brief. The past week, Angel was hiding in the closet a lot. Rarely out except when called. This morning she was reluctant to come out at all. I did think it was odd that she came out into the living room this morning to lie with the kids, yet left when I came into the room (she was my cat). I think in her way, she might have been saying goodbye. This evening when I brought her to the kids to say goodbye, she only wanted to hide.

She died peacefully in our bathroom, on a fleece baby blanket that she loved. Angel loved anything fleecey and soft. Sleeping in my PJs was always a favorite activity of hers.

What will we do without her? Angel was an amazing animal--she was a therapy cat for both my daughters, and I don't think I will ever have another cat as friendly. Everyone who would come into our home would be greeted and jumped on within 15 minutes. Angel would wait by the door for us to come home from shopping, and sit in the window to watch when our whole family was in the backyard.

We will miss you friend.